You get em at work sometimes. And today is one. All I'm doing is waiting on Visual Studio 2008 installation files so I can work on a new project. Since I was talking about 2DFighter yesterday, I thought I'd briefly share about some of the games I've been playing on there.
Street Fighter Alpha 2
This was my all-time favorite game on the Sega Saturn. I never really got good at it since competition was somewhat lacking (me not being in the arcade much and all), but that didn't stop me from having a whole lot of fun. It also handled like a dream, thanks to the uber-responsive Saturn joypad. These days I have to put up with a Saitek analog pad, so it's hard to tell if I suck because of the pad or because I'm getting old.
I'll blame the pad.

Sakura: All kinds of wrong since 1996.
Breakers Revenge
This game is relatively new to me. A while back when I was messing with emulators I spent some time with it, but never bothered to figure it out. Thanks to a guy I know from, I've decided to give it another chance. It's relatively easy to get into, has forgiving control inputs, and looked pretty good for its time. It used to be on the Neo Geo... I'm a little surprised I never saw this in Malaysia. Or maybe I did, and instantly dismissed it because of it's rather generic cast of characters. A lot of them are just remixed Capcom/SNK characters with their moves traded around. Despite the uninspired characters design, the fighting engine is solid. It might be the most fun fighting game nobody ever played.

Hey, it's Ryu! And Chun-Li! And Fei Long! And... wait... why does Blanka have boobies?
Super Street Fighter II Turbo
The grand daddy of 2D fighters. Of course, this was one of several updates to the original Street Fighter II, but this is the one that gets the most action on 2DFighter. I'm not particularly good at this game, but the beauty of SSF2T is the damage is scaled so high that I can scrubbily pull off a win from time to time. Well... that goes for any other game I guess.
This is just an excuse to embed a youtube video on my blog for the first time.
Garou: Mark Of The Wolves
And now we come to the mutant step child of SNK's flagship Fatal Fury series. Don't take the "mutant stepchild" part the wrong way... it's a great game, but it's very little like the games that preceded it. For one, Fatal Fury has always been unique for it's line-battle system, which allowed players to move in and out of different planes on the battlefield. I think of it as a really slow dodge... real FF fans would probably get on my case for saying that. Also, it throws out most of the FF cast in favor of new people, many of which have no relation to previous storylines or characters. Terry Bogard is the only guy who sticks around for this game, and he sports a completely new look.
But I digress... All that's just to say Mark of the Wolves isn't really a Fatal Fury game. It was SNK's answer to Capcom's Street Fighter III, and it was similar in that it had a deep, technical fighting engine that gave hardcore players a lot of little tricks to master. Of course, if you were to just see me play it, you wouldn't know. Like every other game on this list, I relay on stupid 2-hit comboes like crouching punch -> burning knuckle to get by. That doesn't mean I don't have fun though!

This guy's name is Kushnood Butt, which makes G:MOTW even better.
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