It's Thursday and I'm taking a YAMs break, so I'm staying home tonite. My living room is almost at the point where it's presentable. I haven't gotten some furniture in yet.... I booked a settee, a coffee table, and a papasan chair at Pier 1 yesterday, and Brent's gonna help me get all that stuff either tomorrow or on Saturday. I bought a wicker shelf and a TV stand earlier this week, so I no longer have to look *down* at the TV, which was very annoying. My 20th anniversary Optimus Prime arrived a couple of days ago, and I brought him to work to show him off. Paul and Travis were, um... well I'm not sure 'impressed' is the word, but they were congenial. I also bought the Transformers movie and the entire first season of Stargate:SG1 on DVD yesterday.
Hopefully I'll be done fixing up the living room soon, after which I can start working on the bedroom. My old mattress has a hole in it, and the end of the spring sticks out and pokes me if I lie on it, which gives me sad dreams :(. But when I wake up, I just look at the top of my TV and then I don't feel so bad:

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